三森麻理亜《Map of Intelligence series – Flow》


三森麻理亜《Map of Intelligence series – Flow》



在庫 : 百貨店で販売中








“Coexistence of diversity” is the theme of my creation.
There are various borders in this world, religion, culture, human race etc.
For me, who has been living abroad since childhood, borders are familiar and natural, which I think are something we can coexist without overcoming nor breaking down.
My creation is led by materials. Through the process of cutting natural gems and stones with my own hands, sometimes collecting them by myself, and having conversations with them, I decide what to draw. This process of different materials’ various characters blend and coexist together, creating one artwork, is the “coexistence of diversity” that I want to express.

2023年アートを月に送るNASA / Space X共同プロジェクト「The Lunar Codex」に選出。
2021年「Salon Art Shopping Paris」(Carrousel du Louvre / フランス)、2022年「World Art Dubai」(Dubai World Trade Centre / アラブ首長国連邦)、「The Exhibition of Selected Japanese Contemporary Artists」(シンガポール国立博物館)、2023年「Superfine Art Fair New York City」(Iron 23 / アメリカ)、「Art Capital – Le Salon des Artistes Français」(Grand Palais Éphémère/ フランス)などグループ展やアートフェアに多数参加。
2023年 「Art Capital – Le Salon des Artistes Français」佳作賞など受賞多数。

Born in Tokyo in 1988.
Graduated from the Business Administration of Webster University in 2012.
Selected for NASA / Space X joint project “The Lunar Codex” to send art to the moon, 2023.
Group exhibitions & Art fairs: 2021 “Salon Art Shopping Paris” Carrousel du Louvre (France); 2022 “World Art Dubai” Dubai World Trade Centre (United Arab Emirates); “The Exhibition of Selected Japanese Contemporary Artists” (National Museum of Singapore); 2023 “Superfine Art Fair New York City” Iron 23 (U.S.A); “Art Capital – Le Salon des Artistes Français” Grand Palais Éphémère (France) and more.
Awards: 2023 Honorable Mention at Art Capital – Le Salon des Artistes Français and more.