穴澤和紗 / Kazusa Anazawa《煌月・紅白牡丹》


穴澤和紗 / Kazusa Anazawa《煌月・紅白牡丹》

Glistening moon, red and white peony

牡丹は私が毎年取材に出かけて長く描いている題材です。花弁の繊細な動きや艶やかさを月の美しさと共に描きました。 深い夜から明け方に向かう情景の中、強く咲き続ける牡丹の煌めきを表現しています。
Peonies are the motif that I have painted for a long time. I painted detail movements and glossiness of the petals shined by the beautiful moon. I depicted the sparkle of the peonies which bloom at break of dawn.





在庫 : 在庫有り








The theme of my work is “sparkle of the moment”. When I was a student I happened to know that the kanji “煌” express the state of fire luminously burning, through class activity to research and paint our favorite kanji’s meaning. Impressed by the fineness of the kanji’s composition, I filled the canvas with flowers of various colors, and since then I’ve painted the beauty and transience of human and flowers. I believe, pray and hope that I could express the sparkle of the moment into the canvas by using Japanese traditional naturally-derived painting materials and continue creating.

1988年千葉県生まれ。 2014年武蔵野美術大学造形学部通信教育課程日本画コース卒業。2012年〜2015年美学校超・日本画ゼミ受講。 2020年「常初花の空」(ちばぎんひまわりギャラリー / 東京)、2021年 「花咲みの時」(福屋八丁堀本店 / 広島)、2022年「華の声色」(伊勢丹浦和店 / 埼玉)、「天高く、華」(阪神梅田本店 / 大阪)、2023年「冴え返る日々」(福屋八丁堀本店 / 広島)、「空の花の夢」(東武百貨店船橋店 / 千葉)、2024年「青く、瞬く花」(銀座三越 / 東京)、「月花すがた」(阪神梅田本店 / 大阪)など個展多数。グループ展に多数参加。受賞多数。

Born in Chiba in 1988. Graduated from the Nihonga, Musashino Art University in 2014. Attended Cho-Nihonga seminar at Bigakko from 2012-2015. Solo exhibitions: 2020 “Tokohatsu-hana no sora” Chiba Bank Himawari Gallery (Tokyo); 2021 “Hanaemi no toki” Fukuya Hatchobori Main Store (Hiroshima); 2022 “Hana no kowairo” Isetan Urawa Store (Saitama); “Ten takaku, hana” Hanshin Umeda Main Store (Osaka); 2023 “Saekaeru hibi” Fukuya Hatchobori Main Store (Hiroshima); “Sorano hanano yume” Tobu Department Store Funabashi (Chiba); 2024 “Aoku, matataku hana” Ginza Mitsukoshi (Tokyo); “Tsukihana sugata” Hanshin Umeda Main Store (Osaka) and more. Participated in many group exhibitions. Won many prizes.