松下大一 / Daiichi Matsushita《ecclesia (yellow)》


松下大一 / Daiichi Matsushita《ecclesia (yellow)》




在庫 : 在庫有り








Among the animals in the parallel worlds, owls are my main motif of my work. In this parallel world, they have evolved differently from our reality, forming their own ecosystems and some of them have established civilizations. Through their appearance and existence, I question the stereotypes that this world we live in is something to be taken for granted. The gaze of the owls in the parallel worlds encourages us to reflect on how we relate to nature and the meaning of our existence and questions our responsibility for the future of humanity. I hope that through my work, I can raise awareness of the potential and fragility of our world.

1990年愛知県生まれ。 2017年東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科研究生修了。2022年個人美術教室「Atelier Alba」開設。 2018年「D-FORMED」(四季彩舎 / 東京)、2019年「OWLternative」(松坂屋名古屋店 / 愛知)、2022年「VS -Variable Survivors-」(四季彩舎 / 東京)、2023年「OWLternative Ⅱ」(松坂屋名古屋店 / 愛知)、「松下大一展」(三井住友信託銀行目黒支店/ 東京)、2024年「PARALLEL PARADISE」(八犬堂 / 東京)など個展多数。グループ展にも多数参加。

Born in Aichi in 1990. Awarded M.F.A. from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2017. Opened an art class “Atelier Alba” in 2022. Solo exhibitions: 2018 “D-FORMED” SHIKISAISHA GALLERY (Tokyo), 2019 “OWLternative” Matsuzakaya Nagoya (Aichi), 2022 “VS -Variable Survivors-” SHIKISAISHA GALLERY (Tokyo), 2023 “OWLternative II” Matsuzakaya Nagoya (Aichi), “Daiichi Matsushita solo exhibition” Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Meguro Branch (Tokyo), 2024 “PARALLEL PARADISE” Hakkendo Gallery (Tokyo) and more. Participated in various group exhibitions.