奥直子 / Naoko Oku


2019年「SPARK」(ギャラリーcera / 愛知)、2023年「peek-a-boo」(石川画廊 / 東京)、「INNER VISIONS」 (YTF GALLERY / 台湾)など個展多数。
2020年「Shower」(芸術銭湯+Cafe 宮の湯 / 東京)、2022年「ホモ・ファーベルの断片-人とものづくりの未来-」(愛知県陶磁美術館)、「WHATZ ART FAIR」(台湾)、「やきもの現代考『内⇄外』」(愛知県陶磁美術館)、2023年「パラミタ陶芸大賞展」(パラミタミュージアム / 三重)など展覧会やアートフェアに多数参加。2019年SICF20準グランプリを受賞。

Born in Tokyo in 1988.
Graduated from Tama Art University of Ceramic Art in 2012.
Completed training at Tokoname Ceramic-Art Laboratory in 2014.
Solo exhibitions: 2019 “Spark” Gallery cera (Aichi); 2023 “peek-a-boo” Gallery Ishikawa (Tokyo); “Inner Visions” YTF Gallery (Taiwan) and more.
Group exhibitions & Art fairs: 2020 “Shower” Miyanoyu (Tokyo); 2022 “The Fragments of Homo Faber – the Future of Humans and Crafting-” Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum; “Whatz Art Fair” (Taiwan); “Yakimono Gendaiko” Aichi prefectural Ceramic Museum; 2023 “Ceramic Art Grand Prize Exhibition” Paramita Museum (Mie) and more.
Award: 2019 Second Grand Prix at SICF20.


I produce three-dimensional ceramic art that features animals.
Ceramics are usually hollow inside.
While these holes are not visible from the outside, I feel that these “voids” could be the very essence of ceramics.
Based on this concept, I intentionally expose the internal hollows in my works.
As a result, it has allowed me to express conflicting elements such as the outside and inside, front and back, and virtual and real. My audience could also enjoy the artworks from unprecedented angles.
I wish to create works and spaces that could help viewers grow their imaginations from infinitely expanding perspectives.
