角谷紀章 / Kisho Kakutani


1993年兵庫県生まれ。 2022年東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科美術専攻修了。 現在、東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科日本画専攻教育研究助手。 佐藤国際文化育英財団第30期奨学生。 2023年「媒介であり防護壁」(銀座 蔦屋書店 / 東京、四季彩舎 / 東京)、「白い夜」(コートヤードHIROO / 東京)にて個展開催。 2021年「A-TOM ART AWARD」(コートヤードHIROO / 東京)、「FACE展​​」(SOMPO美術館 / 東京)、​​2022〜2023年「What Cafe Exhibition」(WHAT CAFE / 東京)、2023年「アートフェア東京」(四季彩舎ブース)、「アートフェアアジア福岡」、「One Art Taipei 」(台湾)などグループ展やアートフェアに多数参加。

Born in Hyogo in 1993.
Received Ph.D in Fine Arts from Tokyo University of Arts in 2022. Working as Adjunct Education and Research Assistant at Tokyo University of Nihonga. Selected as a 30th scholarship student of Sato International Cultural Scholarship Foundation.
Solo Exhibition: 2023 “Medium, or the Barrier” Ginza Tsutaya Books, SHIKISAISHA (Tokyo); “White Night” Courtyard HIROO (Tokyo).
Group exhibitions & Art fairs: 2021 “A-TOM ART AWARD” Courtyard HIROO (Tokyo); “FACE” Sompo Museum of Art (Tokyo); 2022-2023 “What Cafe Exhibition” WHAT CAFE (Tokyo); 2023 “Art Fair Tokyo”; “Art Fair Asia Fukuoka”; “One Art Taipei” (Taiwan) and more.


I leave ambiguous blurred areas of “noise” in my landscapes paintings, which are created based on my own experiences. The viewers project images from their own memories and experiences onto this noise and imagine what lies beyond it. This is how my work is complemented and a new reality is born. This “noise” is a tool for sharing images with the viewers, and at the same time, it serves as a barrier between my work and myself. As we live in a time where we are drowning in a variety of images, I attempt to create new images by entrusting the world of my work to the ambiguity of noise.
